Wallace Normberg has officially been fired from Gooseo Productions, as he has been a horrible director and just a horrible boss in general, The Space Time Confusion was a short that he began, but Gil Main had to finish due to his not so good job on “ Beary Christmas”. He was kept on as an editor, but still seemed messed up the timing of Gil’s jokes, and was fired the day “The Space Time Confusion” was released. Gil Main had this to say “Normberg from the start was an egotistical guy, and he would try to keep all the work to himself and thought way highly, we didn’t even release the cartoon until we made the newgrounds account, Wallace really needs to realise that you can’t make cartoons by just getting cousins and family friends to work, cutting corners where they shouldn’t be cut, and just expecting it to go your way, it was a sad time, and I’m glad he is gone.” Normberg still had his name as director in the opening titles instead of Gil’s, which was when the studio had finally had enough.
Also this is a joke
Wait, so this account held by several people?
Nah, this was a joke